Behind the Scenes of Jaws

The “Jaws” art department works with the malfunctioning mechanical man-eating great white shark that was affectionately known as “Bruce” – the name given by Steven Spielberg in honor of his Hollywood attorney.

Bruce being towed into the water off Martha’s Vineyard aka Amity Island, during production in August of 1974.

Peter on the set of Jaws for filming taking time to check in with Robert Shaw who played Peter’s’s infamous shark hunter character, Quint.

Director Steven Spielberg speaking with Peter about his cameo role as the local news reporter.

Peter in his role as newspaper reporter interviewing the oceanographer Matt Hooper who is played by Richard Dreyfuss.

Quint and Hooper wage the battle against the Great White Shark.

Peter as the reporter interviews the Mayor of Amity Island, Murray Hamilton.

Steven Spielberg and Peter in front of the Amity Arcade.

Peter on the movie set with his son Clayton standing close by, but ready too, for a swim.

Roy Scheider and Peter talking about production issues.

The opening of “Jaws” at the Garden Theater in Princeton, NJ where Peter and Wendy lived for almost 40 years.