“Save the sharks, and we can save the oceans.”

Peter Benchley


The Words of Peter Benchley

Legacy: The Words of Peter Benchley presents the shark conservation message of Peter Benchley, the author of Jaws – in his own words. Legacy combines Benchley's eloquent words with the stunning imagery of white sharks filmed by the immensely talented underwater filmmaker, Joe Romeiro. Over a third of other pelagic sharks are also threatened with extinction, and shark populations throughout the world have been decimated by unsustainable demand for their fins. And yet, sharks are essential to the healthy balance of the oceans. The message of Benchley, and of Legacy, is that we need to protect these important and magnificent animals.


Peter and Wendy Benchley have been inspired for 40 years by the extraordinary scientific work, commitment, and passion of many non-profit organizations that are doing incredible work to protect Earth’s oceans. We encourage you to check out these organizations and to look for other non-profits that move you personally. The work that the global “blue” non-profit community is doing is absolutely essential to protecting sharks and our seas for our children and grandchildren.

Dive in.

Wendy Benchley is the Co-Founder of the Peter Benchley Ocean Awards, a board member of WildAid, Beneath the Waves, and Blue Frontier. She is an Advisory Trustee for the Environmental Defense Fund.


Peter Benchley Videos + Interviews